Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

size mock up illustration

Illustration of the idea
size of the new concept

Monday, April 5, 2010

Massey Energy: 25 dead in W.Va. mine explosion

Mine explosion in teh US
MONTCOAL, W.Va. – An explosion at a remote coal mine with a history of safety problems killed 25 workers and at least four others were still missing early Tuesday more than a thousand feet underground in the worst U.S. mine disaster since 1984. Rescuers had been making their way to the area where the miners were believed trapped at Massey Energy Co.'s sprawling Upper Big Branch mine, where the blast occurred around 3 p.m. Monday. However, safety officials said at a news conference that the search was suspended because rising methane gas levels in the mine made it a high risk for another explosion. Earlier, Kevin Stricklin, an administrator for the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration, said officials hoped some of the missing survived the initial blast and were able to reach airtight chambers stocked with food, water and enough oxygen for them to live for four days. However, rescue teams made it to one of two nearby shelters and it was empty. The gas levels prevented them from reaching the second. Massey Energy and safety officials confirmed that 25 bodies were found. The death toll had risen from seven earlier in the day to 12 at about midnight. A total of 29 miners were in the area when the blast happened, he said."It does not appear that any of the individuals made it to a rescue chamber," Stricklin said at a news conference. "The situation is dire."State mining director Ron Wooten said though the situation does not seem promising to reach the four still missing, rescuers wouldn't give up."We haven't given up hope at all," he said.In 1984, 27 were killed by a fire at Emery Mining Corp.'s mine in Orangeville, Utah.Benny R. Willingham, 62, who was five weeks away from retiring, was among those killed in West Virginia, said his sister-in-law Sheila Prillaman. He had mined for 30 years, the last 17 with Massey, and planned to take his wife on a cruise to the Virgin Islands next month, she said."Benny was the type — he probably wouldn't have stayed retired long," Prillaman said. "He wasn't much of a homebody."Prillaman said family members were angry because they learned of Willingham's death after reading it on a list Massey posted, instead of being contacted by the company, which said it wouldn't release names until next of kin were notified.Though the cause of the blast was not known, the operation about 30 miles south of Charleston has a history of violations for not properly ventilating highly combustible methane gas, safety officials said.Miners were leaving on a vehicle that takes them in and out of the mine's long shaft when a crew ahead of them felt a blast of air and went back to investigate, Stricklin said. They found nine workers, seven of whom were dead. Others were hurt or missing about a mile and a half inside the mine. Massey Energy, a publicly traded company based in Richmond, Va., has 2.2 billion tons of coal reserves insouthern West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, southwest Virginia and Tennessee, according to the company's Web site. It ranks among the nation's top five coal producers and is among the industry's most profitable. It has a spotty safety record. In the past year, federal inspectors have fined the company more than $382,000 for repeated serious violations involving its ventilation plan and equipment at Upper Big Branch, which is run by subsidiary Performance Coal Co. The violations also cover failing to follow the plan, allowing combustible coal dust to pile up, and having improper firefighting equipment. The mine has had three other fatalities in the last dozen years. Methane is one of the great dangers of coal mining, and federal records say the Eagle coal seam releases up to 2 million cubic feet of methane gas into the Upper Big Branch mine every 24 hours, which is a large amount, said Dennis O'Dell, health and safety director for the United Mine Workers labor union. The colorless, odorless gas is often sold to American consumers to heat homes and cook meals. In mines, giant fans are used to keep methane concentrations below certain levels. If concentrations are allowed to build up, the gas can explode with a spark roughly similar to the static charge created by walking across a carpet in winter, as at the Sago mine, also in West Virginia where 12 were killed in 2006. Since then, federal and state regulators have required mine operators to store extra oxygen supplies. Upper Big Branch uses containers that can generate about an hour of breathable air, and all miners carry a container on their belts besides the stockpiles inside the mine. Rescuers trying to reach the trapped miners had found evidence that some workers took emergency oxygen supplies from a cache in the mine, Stricklin said. West Virginia requires all underground mines to have wireless communications and tracking systems designed to survive explosions and other disasters. However, Stricklin said much of the network near the missing men was likely destroyed in the explosion. Blankenship said the names of the dead and injured would not be released until next-of-kin were notified. "West Virginians are tough, we will bind together," said U.S. Rep. Nick Rahall, whose district includes where the mine is located. The mine, which cannot be seen from the road, has 19 openings and roughly 7-foot ceilings. Inside, it's crisscrossed with railroad tracks used for hauling people and equipment. It is located in a mine-laced swath of Raleigh and Boone counties that is the heart of West Virginia's coal country. The seam produced 1.2 million tons of coal in 2009, according to the mine safety agency, and has about 200 employees, most of whom work underground on different shifts. In each of the last three years, Massey has had multiple operations cited by MSHA as repeat violators of safety and health rules and ordered to improve their conditions. Upper Big Branch was not one of them. Last year, the number of miners killed on the job in the U.S. fell for a second straight year to 34, the fewest since officials began keeping records nearly a century ago. That was down from the previous low of 52 in 2008.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


mid size portable product 
foldable converting in a chair
independent modules with rescue equipment
detachable modules
folding & pivoting stretch

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Primitive rescue trailer

This is a good idea but bad execution (in design terms).

All Terrain Res-Q Trailers

Some inspiration from the rescue trailers

Thursday, March 25, 2010

3 Wheel Folding Golf Trolley

Self-propelled Golf trolley

2 Seater Segway

Ladder carrier

Air less tire

Golfbag cart

A good reference for this new option.

Kite Buggy

PTW Custom Kite Buggy from Kieron Jansch on Vimeo.
Here is a quick whizz round my new PTW (Popeye the Welder) custom built kite buggy. Popeye calls it a Peter Lynn Race Buggy conversion, but really the only PL bit is the rear axle! Everything else is 100% Popeye's work. Check out the leading link suspension at the front; it's a work of art.

This is a good reference of a mechanism for my new option

Fire in LKAB mine

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Current mechanisim in machines

Machine Moving from antonio_aguilar on Vimeo.
For my research how the machines moves, different systems.

Middle presentation (chat with Anders Smith)

Basically this talk was more to re-define what I want to do? 
We discussed  some ideas:
Solve miner's problem in an emergency situation.
I need to go back to the mine and analyze more the user.
to know the size of the thing.
It was a very short conversation but definitely I need to go back one step behind to get more information about the final user and the main concept.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mid- presentation at Umeå

Monday 22nd, I presented my 3 main concepts after my research stage is it time to move on to choosing where to go, re define ideas focused in one concept. The most relevant comments I got today where:

-I should be more focus on the user experience (+ focus in usability in stead of function)
-I need to explain more on my report why I choose option "B".
-There's a good possibility to merge 3 different options in one, just choosing the best of each one.
-It's important to know that my product is not a vehicle, furniture or tool box.
-Get more attention on the communication/tagging system as I said at the beginning, seems I've forgot it.
-Maybe would be useful to take a way one of the functions because they are many and I should be more focus to one topic "rescue" (in my idea would be a barricade kit), it is becoming a swiss knife.
-It would be interesting to have this as a "international symbol" around many different mines in the world.
-Independent wheels to provide more flexibility and accessibility.
-I should not be just limited by choosing an engine.
-I am missing points like: lights to attend people and guiding sensors.
-How's gonna be the tagging system? how we are going to wear it?
-About the energy, does not have to be Diesel.   

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Paratech (lifting airbag)


Lifting airbags, current technology I would like to have in my rescue kit. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Feeling of the options

option 1
option 2
This images are "work in process", I am developing 3 different options taking direction "B" already chosen, more sketches are coming soon and also the 3 complete options to go. In this stage I do not want to be very deep into shapes the main intention is to give an idea of volume and functional concepts.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Possible Localization

Possible localization of the problem 

This is how I picture the localization of this product.


Where my problem is? In swedish mines the safety level is very high and the prevention is very well refinement so accidents are not the most usual thing, but always there is a risk to occur one. The most common ones are: falling/sliding rocks or materials and also fire is a latent risk every day because of the explosives handling therefore I found a lack of handy first response rescue equipment and a lack of communication (what's the status) between miner groups when they are working down in the mine.
What I want to do? I want to do a mid-size product which bring handy first response rescue and control equipment into the accident area all this assisted by a network/tagging system which is communicated with different group of miners and other mobile rescue stations.
What are the task? This mobile/portable handy first response rescue station(s) is(are) already inside of the mine in stand by to facilitate as soon as possible the rescue maneuvers in any emergency situation. 
How does it works? based on a tagging system the portable rescue station is receiving continuously information from the current status of each member in a group of miners, when one of them have an emergency (they can activate the alarm button by themselves or the device they are wearing registers a lack of movement and activates by itself) the handy first response rescue equipment starts to go to the emergency area in a autonomous way meanwhile is sending a signal to the closest co-workers to attend the emergency and help out or to prevent them and evacuate the are, once both of them (the machine and co-workers) are in the area they can attend the emergency situation in a short period of time.
What the advantages are? the tagging system is compiling information about the miner's situation and it's the hob between the rescue crew and the victim; The handy first response rescue equipment is bringing the necessary tools to facilitates the rescue or just control different emergency situations; Promotes team's work organization.  
What the emergency situations are? they can be the most common accidents inside of the mine as: falling/sliding rocks or material, fire attempt even a hard attack of one of the miners.
Where my opportunity is? creating a useful product which can be convenient for big companies and reachable and usable for small ones too.
How big I picture it? a mid-size product, around Atlas Copco Hardhat™ (2mx1.5mx1.40m approximately). 
What I do not want to end up with? a completely autonomous robot.
My Goals:
goal -facilitate rescue maneuvers.
goal -control emergency situations (accessories / tools).
goal -because of it’s ideal size it can be stored and easily used inside of the mine.
goal -portable, designed to be as part of the daily equipment.
My Wishes:
wish -can be used in different accident types.
wish -can be operated by anyone inside of the mine (easy use) or by itself (semi-autonomous).
wish -it’s available all time.
wish -can be used in different mines.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Example of the scenario

scenario 1, ex. of injured miner

this scenario shows an example of how this MRS can help during the rescue maneuver.

What do I need as a basics?

basic needs

basic needs for this project.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How does it works..!

covering the task
A simple explanation of how I think this product would works.

what are the advantages?
-tag a group of miners during their shifts.
-have a network between all the MRS (mobile rescue station).
-to warn the closest co-workers when something happened to any team member.
-bringing all the rescue equipment to the accident area ASAP.
-get into the area in an autonomous way.
-bring injured people into a safety area in an autonomous way.
-control the internal traffic in its way out.

How I picture it (an option)

how this product it could be!
This is what I have on mind and how it can works, it is not completely defined but it is close to what I want to reach and concordes with my goals it is on the way...!

2 ways to be in direction "B"

2 ways to go
These are my 2 alternatives for direction "B" one is more like a vehicle and the other is like a mid-size product.

Goals for direction "B"

what I wanna reach
Here's just my first approach to define my goals for this project.

Monday, February 22, 2010

How big would be?

This is more less how big I picture this rescue product inside of the mine (2x3x2m). This size can change depending the necessities.

Taking direction B

what would be my opportunity in direction "B"
I think direction “B” would be the way to go; I picture a mid-size product or small and versatile vehicle which might helps rescue maneuvers to bring people outside of the mine in case of accident and control the beginning of the emergency situations. This design should be thought for teams of 4 to 15 miners and would be operated by the closest person to the accident. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Direction A,B,C

Briefly in 3 different directions I made a shortly description of what's the problem and what would be a opportunity area to solve each one. 
Direction A

Falling / Rolling / Sliding Rock Material:
goal -design a product which helps the "rescue crew" to get into the accident area. 
goal -facilitate rescue maneuvers.
goal -can be stored inside of the mine.
wish -can be used in different accident types.
wish -can be operated by anyone inside of the mine. (easy use)
wish -it's available all time.
wish -can be used in different mines of the world.

Direction B 

Bringing people outside:
goal -design a product which transports injured people ASAP to the mine's exterior.
goal -facilitate rescue maneuvers.
goal -control emergency situations (accessories / tools).
goal -because of it's ideal size it can be stored and easily used inside of the mine.
goal -portable, designed to be as part of the daily equipment.
wish -can be used in different accident types.
wish -can be operated by anyone inside of the mine. (easy use)
wish -it's available all time.
wish -can be used in different mines of the world.
Direction C

Controlling fire:
goal -design a product which helps the "rescue crew" to combat fire inside of the mine. 
goal -facilitate rescue maneuvers.
goal -can be stored inside of the mine.
wish -can be operated by anyone inside of the mine. (easy use)
wish -it's available all time.
wish -can be used in different mines of the world.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My desk these days

my desk @ Umeå during my research...
That's how my desk looks these days during my research...!

Leaking information

Leaking problems

Here I already defined relevant accidents: Fire and Falling / Sliding rocks and material, now it is important to define who is going to use it: the rescuer [1] or the victim  [2].  then the situation(s) I would be able to solve with this product. this is my goal for now! analyze where the major problem is? where my opportunities are? when can I use this product?  

 [1] the rescuer can use / operate this product to make facilitate the rescue job by consequence save lives.
 [2] the victim can use / operate this product to save his / her life. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Finding directions for this project

finding direction
I have been finding the direction(s) I would like to take for this project, here I show what type of options I have and I crossed the areas which I do not consider relevant to end up with. I think the opportunity is to be between a big machine and small wearable product, something in between these 2 ("M" medium size) would be a good opportunity, then I need to find out in what situations is important to be or if I can blend it.

2nd revision with Anders Smith

Last Thursday 11 we presented at the UID our first approach for our research, then one day later we meet up with Anders Smith to discuss more about the direction we would like to take, the conclusions are:
- I found where the problems are: 
A- falling, rolling or sliding rocks and material.
B- fire
C- transporting injured people outside of the mine.
All of them can be very different between each other, I can end up doing more a product, vehicle, machine, robot, etc.
so it is important to picture it right now!

What's next?
I will decide which of these problems is the most relevant and I will find out my opportunities for each one, then I have to discard what I don't want to end up with.
Necessarily I need to visit a mine and spend time with the miners to get more information and references, once I discover in where I want to work I will be faster and more focus on something specific. 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Air Lifting Bag

air lifting bag
This air lifting bag is used to help during the rescue. It is portable and practical, easy to use and fast. I guess is a cool portable rescue gadget.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fire Fighter Pincers

ResQTec hydraulic rescue tools
"This full line of hydraulic rescue equipment helps rescuers extricate people who are trapped, such as in vehicle accidents. New features have reduced weight, increased efficiency and safety, and improved ergonomics over previous models. In addition, the use of industry standard connectors allows the tools to be fitted to most hydraulic pumps used by rescuers. The bold colors and polished surfaces, which reflect the company's recent rebranding, help distinguish the tools from the competition. Since the line's launch, sales have tripled."

Coffin Rescue Robot

coffin rescue robot
This rescue robot, the red-headed stepsister of this beast, was designed to rescue humans from areas firemen can't easily access. Apparently, the seemingly unnamed robot can not only carry a 110 kilogram person over difficult terrain with ease, but monitor the occupant's vital signs as well, although complete details on that, and any other technical details are a bit hard to come by at the moment. As with most such robots, however, this one's apparently not completely autonomous, with it packing some infrared cameras to allow its operator to locate folks even in conditions with poor visability. This is a super good rescue autonomus robot / vehicle, I already had this type of idea for my project and I guess something like this can be very useful specially for Fire incidents.