Monday, March 22, 2010

Mid- presentation at Umeå

Monday 22nd, I presented my 3 main concepts after my research stage is it time to move on to choosing where to go, re define ideas focused in one concept. The most relevant comments I got today where:

-I should be more focus on the user experience (+ focus in usability in stead of function)
-I need to explain more on my report why I choose option "B".
-There's a good possibility to merge 3 different options in one, just choosing the best of each one.
-It's important to know that my product is not a vehicle, furniture or tool box.
-Get more attention on the communication/tagging system as I said at the beginning, seems I've forgot it.
-Maybe would be useful to take a way one of the functions because they are many and I should be more focus to one topic "rescue" (in my idea would be a barricade kit), it is becoming a swiss knife.
-It would be interesting to have this as a "international symbol" around many different mines in the world.
-Independent wheels to provide more flexibility and accessibility.
-I should not be just limited by choosing an engine.
-I am missing points like: lights to attend people and guiding sensors.
-How's gonna be the tagging system? how we are going to wear it?
-About the energy, does not have to be Diesel.