Monday, February 8, 2010

robot- The loper

Also more info of what already exist today in a rescue terms with robots.

Robo-Rescue, Scooping People Out Of Harms Way

Robo-Rescue in Japan

Only in japan would firefighters have a robot to help with rescues. The robot can be used as a rescue robot for people who are unconscious from a fire or to pickup casualties. I think this idea can be very useful for mining rescue with fire.

Enryu returns to battle blizzards

"Enryu" the rescue robot

Enryu the 5-ton, 11.5-foot rescue robot designed by Japan's Tmsuk -- the fearless bot was being tested for deployment to earthquake zones. Now the iron giant has a new mission: rescuing survivors of avalanches and other winter disasters (Japan is currently going through one of its worst winters on record). The bot's hydraulic arms have a 16-foot span, and can lift over 1,000 pounds. In a test, Enryu was able to lift a car out of deep snow and wipe snow and ice off of rooftops. 

This is just an example of robots that rescue in different environments, I think this robot has no really an aesthetic design but it works very well, for me could be a good reference and idea of autonomous robots/machines for this project, I guess the most important thing is: do not put on risk the miner's lives in an emergency situation that's why this can of robots exist. I guess a robot which can be operated in distance would be very practical and efficient in terms of mining rescue.