Thursday, February 25, 2010

Possible Localization

Possible localization of the problem 

This is how I picture the localization of this product.


Where my problem is? In swedish mines the safety level is very high and the prevention is very well refinement so accidents are not the most usual thing, but always there is a risk to occur one. The most common ones are: falling/sliding rocks or materials and also fire is a latent risk every day because of the explosives handling therefore I found a lack of handy first response rescue equipment and a lack of communication (what's the status) between miner groups when they are working down in the mine.
What I want to do? I want to do a mid-size product which bring handy first response rescue and control equipment into the accident area all this assisted by a network/tagging system which is communicated with different group of miners and other mobile rescue stations.
What are the task? This mobile/portable handy first response rescue station(s) is(are) already inside of the mine in stand by to facilitate as soon as possible the rescue maneuvers in any emergency situation. 
How does it works? based on a tagging system the portable rescue station is receiving continuously information from the current status of each member in a group of miners, when one of them have an emergency (they can activate the alarm button by themselves or the device they are wearing registers a lack of movement and activates by itself) the handy first response rescue equipment starts to go to the emergency area in a autonomous way meanwhile is sending a signal to the closest co-workers to attend the emergency and help out or to prevent them and evacuate the are, once both of them (the machine and co-workers) are in the area they can attend the emergency situation in a short period of time.
What the advantages are? the tagging system is compiling information about the miner's situation and it's the hob between the rescue crew and the victim; The handy first response rescue equipment is bringing the necessary tools to facilitates the rescue or just control different emergency situations; Promotes team's work organization.  
What the emergency situations are? they can be the most common accidents inside of the mine as: falling/sliding rocks or material, fire attempt even a hard attack of one of the miners.
Where my opportunity is? creating a useful product which can be convenient for big companies and reachable and usable for small ones too.
How big I picture it? a mid-size product, around Atlas Copco Hardhat™ (2mx1.5mx1.40m approximately). 
What I do not want to end up with? a completely autonomous robot.
My Goals:
goal -facilitate rescue maneuvers.
goal -control emergency situations (accessories / tools).
goal -because of it’s ideal size it can be stored and easily used inside of the mine.
goal -portable, designed to be as part of the daily equipment.
My Wishes:
wish -can be used in different accident types.
wish -can be operated by anyone inside of the mine (easy use) or by itself (semi-autonomous).
wish -it’s available all time.
wish -can be used in different mines.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Example of the scenario

scenario 1, ex. of injured miner

this scenario shows an example of how this MRS can help during the rescue maneuver.

What do I need as a basics?

basic needs

basic needs for this project.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How does it works..!

covering the task
A simple explanation of how I think this product would works.

what are the advantages?
-tag a group of miners during their shifts.
-have a network between all the MRS (mobile rescue station).
-to warn the closest co-workers when something happened to any team member.
-bringing all the rescue equipment to the accident area ASAP.
-get into the area in an autonomous way.
-bring injured people into a safety area in an autonomous way.
-control the internal traffic in its way out.

How I picture it (an option)

how this product it could be!
This is what I have on mind and how it can works, it is not completely defined but it is close to what I want to reach and concordes with my goals it is on the way...!

2 ways to be in direction "B"

2 ways to go
These are my 2 alternatives for direction "B" one is more like a vehicle and the other is like a mid-size product.

Goals for direction "B"

what I wanna reach
Here's just my first approach to define my goals for this project.

Monday, February 22, 2010

How big would be?

This is more less how big I picture this rescue product inside of the mine (2x3x2m). This size can change depending the necessities.

Taking direction B

what would be my opportunity in direction "B"
I think direction “B” would be the way to go; I picture a mid-size product or small and versatile vehicle which might helps rescue maneuvers to bring people outside of the mine in case of accident and control the beginning of the emergency situations. This design should be thought for teams of 4 to 15 miners and would be operated by the closest person to the accident. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Direction A,B,C

Briefly in 3 different directions I made a shortly description of what's the problem and what would be a opportunity area to solve each one. 
Direction A

Falling / Rolling / Sliding Rock Material:
goal -design a product which helps the "rescue crew" to get into the accident area. 
goal -facilitate rescue maneuvers.
goal -can be stored inside of the mine.
wish -can be used in different accident types.
wish -can be operated by anyone inside of the mine. (easy use)
wish -it's available all time.
wish -can be used in different mines of the world.

Direction B 

Bringing people outside:
goal -design a product which transports injured people ASAP to the mine's exterior.
goal -facilitate rescue maneuvers.
goal -control emergency situations (accessories / tools).
goal -because of it's ideal size it can be stored and easily used inside of the mine.
goal -portable, designed to be as part of the daily equipment.
wish -can be used in different accident types.
wish -can be operated by anyone inside of the mine. (easy use)
wish -it's available all time.
wish -can be used in different mines of the world.
Direction C

Controlling fire:
goal -design a product which helps the "rescue crew" to combat fire inside of the mine. 
goal -facilitate rescue maneuvers.
goal -can be stored inside of the mine.
wish -can be operated by anyone inside of the mine. (easy use)
wish -it's available all time.
wish -can be used in different mines of the world.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My desk these days

my desk @ Umeå during my research...
That's how my desk looks these days during my research...!

Leaking information

Leaking problems

Here I already defined relevant accidents: Fire and Falling / Sliding rocks and material, now it is important to define who is going to use it: the rescuer [1] or the victim  [2].  then the situation(s) I would be able to solve with this product. this is my goal for now! analyze where the major problem is? where my opportunities are? when can I use this product?  

 [1] the rescuer can use / operate this product to make facilitate the rescue job by consequence save lives.
 [2] the victim can use / operate this product to save his / her life. 

Monday, February 15, 2010

Finding directions for this project

finding direction
I have been finding the direction(s) I would like to take for this project, here I show what type of options I have and I crossed the areas which I do not consider relevant to end up with. I think the opportunity is to be between a big machine and small wearable product, something in between these 2 ("M" medium size) would be a good opportunity, then I need to find out in what situations is important to be or if I can blend it.

2nd revision with Anders Smith

Last Thursday 11 we presented at the UID our first approach for our research, then one day later we meet up with Anders Smith to discuss more about the direction we would like to take, the conclusions are:
- I found where the problems are: 
A- falling, rolling or sliding rocks and material.
B- fire
C- transporting injured people outside of the mine.
All of them can be very different between each other, I can end up doing more a product, vehicle, machine, robot, etc.
so it is important to picture it right now!

What's next?
I will decide which of these problems is the most relevant and I will find out my opportunities for each one, then I have to discard what I don't want to end up with.
Necessarily I need to visit a mine and spend time with the miners to get more information and references, once I discover in where I want to work I will be faster and more focus on something specific. 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Air Lifting Bag

air lifting bag
This air lifting bag is used to help during the rescue. It is portable and practical, easy to use and fast. I guess is a cool portable rescue gadget.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fire Fighter Pincers

ResQTec hydraulic rescue tools
"This full line of hydraulic rescue equipment helps rescuers extricate people who are trapped, such as in vehicle accidents. New features have reduced weight, increased efficiency and safety, and improved ergonomics over previous models. In addition, the use of industry standard connectors allows the tools to be fitted to most hydraulic pumps used by rescuers. The bold colors and polished surfaces, which reflect the company's recent rebranding, help distinguish the tools from the competition. Since the line's launch, sales have tripled."

Coffin Rescue Robot

coffin rescue robot
This rescue robot, the red-headed stepsister of this beast, was designed to rescue humans from areas firemen can't easily access. Apparently, the seemingly unnamed robot can not only carry a 110 kilogram person over difficult terrain with ease, but monitor the occupant's vital signs as well, although complete details on that, and any other technical details are a bit hard to come by at the moment. As with most such robots, however, this one's apparently not completely autonomous, with it packing some infrared cameras to allow its operator to locate folks even in conditions with poor visability. This is a super good rescue autonomus robot / vehicle, I already had this type of idea for my project and I guess something like this can be very useful specially for Fire incidents.

Tuvie, rescue vehicle

rescue vehicle
It is the kind of rescue vehicle that can ply on whatever terrain you put it on and effortlessly. The Amphibious Rescue Craft (A.R.C) helps deliver aid in times of natural calamities like floods and cyclone affected areas. All the other vehicles might not be ply during these times but the impact resistant tires of the ARC enable it to reach places with ease. There is less friction and a great output. In such times when time is crucial to the number of lives saved the A.R.C can come to the rescue. This is a project I found on the web, inspirational and good reference maybe my product would be end up as a rescue vehicle.

T-53 Enryu Rescue Robot

"T-53 Enryu"
Rescue workers operate a hyper rescue robot "T-53 Enryu", developed by Japanese robot venture Tmsuk to remove debris, during a demonstration at Kitakyushu city in Fukuoka prefecture, western Japan on July 3, 2009. Kitakyushu Fire Department deployed the 2.8-meter tall, three-ton robot which can be operated manually by a person aboard it as well as by remote control to lift heavy objects with its two arms 

Inflatable Rescue Sled Concept Converts into Backpack

Inflatable Sled To The Rescue

 stretcher mode

Is a backpack that converts into an inflated solution provides cushioning and makes it a lot easier to drag. When someone get injured on the mountains this convertible backpack converts into a stretcher and facilitates the rescue. This is an inspirational product for my degree project, I guess some good ideas pops out from this kind of products.

Flying Stick

flying camera

face detection
This conceptual gadget is actually a camera embedded in a flying stick. Rub it off to air and let it take pictures from a height. Flying Stick automatically takes pictures at set intervals. Pictures from above are prettier than ones from ground, surely the imagination includes face detection and other high end camera features, this function related with my project can help to know who is the victim trapped or gives more information about the situation.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Design Probabilities

probabilities of design

The product I will end up with can be many things: can be used by the rescuers or the victims to rescue themselves, also can be something that helps directly or indirectly, also the research is gonna mark if will be a specific product or a system/service.
It's time to think more who is gonna be my target!  I need to make an analysis of all the problems I found before but I am starting to realize in what kind of product I will end up, so it is not important to decide specifically right now it will be better after my research analysis next week probably.

Monday, February 8, 2010

robot- The loper

Also more info of what already exist today in a rescue terms with robots.

Robo-Rescue, Scooping People Out Of Harms Way

Robo-Rescue in Japan

Only in japan would firefighters have a robot to help with rescues. The robot can be used as a rescue robot for people who are unconscious from a fire or to pickup casualties. I think this idea can be very useful for mining rescue with fire.

Enryu returns to battle blizzards

"Enryu" the rescue robot

Enryu the 5-ton, 11.5-foot rescue robot designed by Japan's Tmsuk -- the fearless bot was being tested for deployment to earthquake zones. Now the iron giant has a new mission: rescuing survivors of avalanches and other winter disasters (Japan is currently going through one of its worst winters on record). The bot's hydraulic arms have a 16-foot span, and can lift over 1,000 pounds. In a test, Enryu was able to lift a car out of deep snow and wipe snow and ice off of rooftops. 

This is just an example of robots that rescue in different environments, I think this robot has no really an aesthetic design but it works very well, for me could be a good reference and idea of autonomous robots/machines for this project, I guess the most important thing is: do not put on risk the miner's lives in an emergency situation that's why this can of robots exist. I guess a robot which can be operated in distance would be very practical and efficient in terms of mining rescue. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Analysis of the most relevant accidents in mines

Analysis of the most relevant accidents in mines

After I've been researching and describing all the most relevant accidents in mines, I made this graphic to compare fatality and how often the accidents happens.
this is my conclusion for them:
the yellow line reflects the Non Fatal accidents but rarely happen. (it does not make sense to try in here).
the red line says how the stupidest accidents occurs but they are not fatal ones, an example can be an small accident with a common tool. (this one also does make me feel that it is very important to develop it).
the blue line stands out how safe the machinery is. (so the problem is not on the machinery).
the purple line indicates how the explosions and inundations (not only water can be gases too) can be very fatal but they are not the most frequently ones (I think in here there's something interesting to explore).
and finally the green line indicates what are the most common and fatal accidents that we highlight most part of the time they are caused by external factors (can be nature or oversight) because the maintenance of the machinery is good but some human mistakes causes them. (here I believe is a great opportunity because of the risk and its frequently) 

Communication rescue kit

Suitable for Three Rescuers: Two Entrants / One Attendant; The Mine Rescue Kit is designed for: Mine Rescue and Confined Space Rescue The Mine Rescue Kit is a two-way communications system designed to provide full duplex voice communication to each member of a mine rescue team.  The system is designed for one attendant and two entrants, but can be expanded to five entrants.  The Kit comes with 1000 feet of communications cable that can be quickly deployed and managed with the Cable Reel.  The cable splitter allows the Rescuers to fan out 10 to 15 feet in either direction and still maintain voice communications. (communication between the rescue crew is vital for this project because they work in team)

Trauma first AID kit

Trauma first AID kit

This unit is an all-in-one first aid kit which splits into two separate units. One half of the box contains Splinting and transport items while the other half contains Trauma and Airway related items.

Principles of mine rescue

principles of mine rescue

In this link I found a lots of information about the procedures and roles of the miners in different accident cases. 

MSA Thermal Imaging Cameras

Thermal Imaging Camera

The MSA Thermal Imaging Camera is a self-contained, battery-operated unit incorporating a miniature display monitor. It is intended primarily for use as a firefighting aid, giving good quality thermal pictures through dense smoke where normal vision is impossible.

The CAREvent Ventilator

The CAREvent Ventilator

The CAREvent Ventilator is lightweight and portable, this unit provides a safe and effective means of providing demand breathing or artificial ventilation to casualties suffering respiratory difficulties or cardiac arrest. The ventilator is pneumatic (i.e. no batteries required) and gives breath by breath consistency in delivered tidal volume, frequency, and flow rates.
This kind of products are commonly used in mine rescue operations. They are used by the victims but brought by the rescuers.

Immediately reportable accidents and injuries.

  1. A death of an individual at a mine;
  2. An injury to an individual at a mine which has a reasonable potential to cause death;
  3. An entrapment of an individual for more than thirty minutes;
  4. An unplanned inundation of a mine by a liquid or gas;
  5. An unplanned ignition or explosion of gas or dust;
  6. An unplanned mine fire not extinguished within 30 minutes of discovery;
  7. An unplanned ignition or explosion of a blasting agent or an explosive;
  8. An unplanned roof fall at or above the anchorage zone in active workings where roof bolts are in use; or, an unplanned roof or rib fall in active workings that impairs ventilation or impedes passage;
  9. A coal or rock outburst that causes withdrawal of miners or which disrupts regular mining activity for more than one hour;
  10. An unstable condition at an impoundment, refuse pile, or culm bank which requires emergency action in order to prevent failure, or which causes individuals to evacuate an area; or, failure of an impoundment, refuse pile or culm bank;
  11. Damage to hoisting equipment in a shaft or slope which endangers an individual or which interferes with use of the equipment for more than thirty minutes.
  12. An event at a mine which causes death or bodily injury to an individual not at the mine at the time the event occurs.
I found this modern regulations based since 1977 by MSHA in the US, it is important because they are the bases for today's procedures.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Ventstop Ventilation Control Unit

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

The Ventstop Ventilation Control Unit (VCU) is designed to provide a safe, cost-effective and robust alternative to conventional ventilation control for underground mining and tunneling.
The Ventstop is fully portable and inflates in minutes using compressed air and a venturi system. It facilitates blocking off horizontal and/or vertical openings to control dust, fumes, smoke and heat. A control box maintains the internal pressure of the unit over an extended period of time.
I see this product as an inflatable barricade.

Extend Air curtain

Extended air curtain

The ExtendAir Lithium Hydroxide Curtain is a passive CO2 absorbent that provides rapid CO2 reduction in enclosed areas = (gives you more oxygen time) When hung up with all sides exposed, the curtain effectively absorbs carbon dioxide out of the air. The unit works so well that it is approved and used by the U.S. Navy for emergency atmospheric control on submarines. This absorbent Curtain does not require electric power to operate. No protective mask or special clothing is required during handling or deployment. Lithium Hydroxide is a highly reactive chemical that generates heat as it comes into contact with carbon dioxide. This heat causes a movement of air around the curtains, facilitating CO2 absorption. I belive this can be a good solution integrated into the rescue products.